Uniting Doctoral Researchers Around a Shared SmallData Vision

On June 28, 2024, our IRTG SMART early career scientists gathered for a dynamic session to discuss how their projects align with the broader SmallData Vision.

In preparation for the meeting, project pairs were tasked with providing their thoughts on the following five key questions in relation to a draft vision document from SmallData shared with them beforehand:

  1. What do you think is the SmallData vision?
  2. How does your project contribute to the SmallData vision?
  3. What is the most exciting statement in the vision document for you?
  4. What is a surprising insight that you gained while reading the document?
  5. What questions remain unanswered, if any?

These points were then collated by five interdisciplinary groups, sparking lively debates between disciplines and generating fresh insights.

The day concluded with presentations from each group, showcasing their collective findings and potential open questions. The early career scientists were encouraged to use the inspiration from these discussions in their collaborative project work.

Watch this space for innovative ideas and applications from the next generation of SmallDatascientists!

Administrative Manager

Marc Schumacher

Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics,
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center –
University of Freiburg