Pfaffelhuber P and Rohde A. A central limit theorem concerning uncertainty in estimates of individual admixture. Theoretical Population Biology 2022;148:28–39.
Pfaffelhuber P, Sester-Huss E, Baumdicker F, Naue J, Lutz-Bonengel S, and Staubach F. Inference of recent admixture using genotype data. Forensic science international. Genetics 2022;56:102593.
Lipphardt V, Surdu M, Ellebrecht N, Pfaffelhuber P, Wienroth M, and Rappold GA. Europe’s Roma people are vulnerable to poor practice in genetics. Nature 2021;599:368–371.
Huss E and Pfaffelhuber P. Genealogical distances under low levels of selection. Theoretical Population Biology 2020;131:2–11.
Pfaffelhuber P, Grundner-Culemann F, Lipphardt V, and Baumdicker F. How to choose sets of ancestry informative markers: a supervised feature selection approach. Forensic Science International. Genetics 2020;46:102259.
Buchanan N, Staubach F, Wienroth M, Pfaffelhuber P, Surdu M, Lipphardt A, Köttgen A, Syndercombe-Court D, and Lipphardt V. Forensic DNA phenotyping legislation cannot be based on ”Ideal FDP”- a response to Caliebe, Krawczak and Kayser (2017). Forensic Science International. Genetics 2018;34:e13–e14.
Pfaffelhuber P and Wakolbinger A. Fixation probabilities and hitting times under small frequency-dependent selection. Theoretical Population Biology 2018;124:61–69.
Greven A, Pfaffelhuber P, Pokalyuk C, and Wakolbinger A. The fixation time of a strongly beneficial allele in a structured population. Electronic Journal of Probability 2016;21:1–42.
Pfaffelhuber P and Popovic L. How spatial heterogeneity shapes multiscale biochemical reaction network dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface 2015;12:20141106.
Depperschmidt A, Greven A, and Pfaffelhuber P. Tree-valued Fleming–Viot dynamics with mutation and selection. Annals of Applied Probability 2012;22:2560–2615.